Ces gave us a "bottle" her dad got from some treasure hunting activities in Cavite. Its a transparent bottle with evident chemical deposits, dunno how can I describe its shape but what got us very interested in the bottle are some German words embossed in the bottle:
Eier - Lebertran
OSSIN schmeckt gut
So, we did some googling and inquiries from our online pals and here's what we have gathered:
The German words translate to:
Eggs - Cod-liver oil
OSSIN ( Sodium fluroide) tastes good
It's a Dr. J.E. Stroschein's cod liver oil bottle and may be attributed to this:
"...J.E. Stroschein, who rose from an apprenticed pharmacist to a sucessful cod liver oil manufacturer between 1870 and the 1890s, were typical of the social profile of the radical nationalists.."
~p. 347 from
The Historical Journal, 21,2 (1978), pp. 327-354
Reshaping the Right: Radical Nationalism and the German Navy League, 1898-1908
Eley, Geoff/Emmanuel College, Cambridge UK
So, the bottle is quite old and worthy already...thanks Ces! - this would probably lead us to collecting antique bottles, at least we have a very nice one in possession.
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